Accumulation & Buffering Conveyors: Orienting, Recirculating, Positioning

Kleenline's accumulation and buffering systems are designed to orient, recirculate, and position products until downstream process are ready. These systems manage product flow with optimum orientation. Watch our various styles of Accumulation Conveyors at work including:

  • Serpentine Accumulators (FIFO)
  • Inline Multi-Directional Accumulators (Random)
  • Vertical Accumulators (FILO)
  • Bi-Directional Tables (FILO)

Kleenline Accumulation Conveyors are built to each customer’s unique specifications. Typical applications for Accumulation Conveyors include installation between fillers, pasteurizers and labelers and between packaging equipment such as case packers, cleaners and uncasers.

When product orientation is critical the Serpentine Accumulator is a best solution on a First In - First Out basis.

Inline Multi-Directional Accumulation Tables recirculate product until downstream is ready for the product.